Upanisads: Rediscovered
Author: 978-8185531502 Category: Publisher: Aditya Kumar Mohanty Publish: 01 Jan, 1970 ISBN: 206 Pages: INR 200 Pages Country: First Edition: 1992 Second Edition:2009 Language: Indian Philosophy, Philosphy of Language, Upanisads Dimension: File Size:
Upanisads: Rediscovered is an attempt at reappraisal of the basic concepts and doctrines of the Upanisads from analytical perspective. It is a philosophical reconstruction of the epistemology, ontology and axiology of the Upanisads. Taking all the principal Upanisads as the basis, it seeks to spell out the distinctive features and viability of the ontic, epistemic and ethical models embedded in the Upanisads vis-a-vis other models and approaches. While pointing out the thematic unity of different texts, the author works out a defense of the Upanisadic concepts and doctrines against the analysts. This book shall be of interest to students and researchers of Philosophy in general and the Indian Philosophy in Particular.